The FoF participated in a conference call interview with the stars of Grimm; Bree Turner & Silas Weir Mitchell. Grimm airs on Friday nights @ 9/8c on NBC.
Question: So can you talk a bit about filming the scene where you propose – for both of you to talk about it. But and then also have they discussed with you guys at all about like how they will eventually do a wedding or anything like that?
Bree Turner: Well the proposal – I mean the whole episode was super fun for us to shoot.
There was – we really packed in the whole episode from the roller-coaster promotions, from the night of the proposal and then getting engaged and then the parents coming in the end – it’s really filled. But the proposal scene was adorable and fun and silly and I don’t know Silas I mean I think it was really – we had a good time that whole section of the show, right? We had fun.
Silas Weir Mitchell: Yes it was – you’re right the roller-coaster is a good metaphor because it was, you know, the writers really make it as complicated as they possibly can.
And so as soon as you think everything is fine, you know, the parents show up and it gets extremely difficult. But yes the shooting of that scene was really, it was fun. You know, I mean it’s fun to watch this imaginary life kind of, you know, it’s – and the way that it happens is so sort of unique, you know. I mean it was fun, you know, I mean it was…
Bree Turner: I think it was very much because of the…
Silas Weir Mitchell: …yes, the writers write unique stuff.
Bree Turner: And it’s very – I feel like what’s been enjoyable about exploring the relationship is that there’s been just this very truthful consistencies from beginning until now about who these characters are and how they treat each other and handle these different moments in their relationship.
And I think the proposal moment is just such a pure and touching and honest moment and very much in the vein of who these characters are.
Silas Weir Mitchell: And still it’s very, you know, they allow for the complexity you know what I mean?
It’s not – it’s like it’s very (pale), I mean it is Grimm after all but it’s also, you know, the writers allow for, you know, the complexity and the darkness of, you know, are people going to accept, you know, (Bootbah) and the Fuchsbau, you know, there’s – that’s a rich kind of basically interracial kind of vein that they’re going to mine. So as sweet as it is which it total is, what I like about what the writers do is they allow for complexity and darkness, so there.
Question: And I got to say before I begin very quickly, you guys are one of my favorite parts of Grimm and I always look forward every week to seeing you two on the screen – you do a fantastic job in your respective roles.
Bree Turner: Oh thank you.
Silas Weir Mitchell: How very sweet of you.
Question: And I wanted to touch upon last week’s episode where you go and meet Rosalee’s parents, I enjoyed that very much. Could you maybe talk a little bit about the filming of that and what that was like for both of you guys?
Bree Turner: Well the whole dinner scene, everything with my mom and sister took place in one day so it was a very long…
Question: Oh wow.
Bree Turner: …you know, 18 hour day out in Medford and – I’m sorry up in Hillsborough and it was exhausting. I was exhausted and I think we got beers after that day because it was…
Silas Weir Mitchell: Yes that was a big day, that was a big day.
Bree Turner: It was a biggie and, you know, there was a lot of emotional stuff going on for Rosalee and so, you know, I felt exhausted would be the word I would use by the end of that day.
Question: How about you Silas, anything stick out from filming that episode for you?
Silas Weir Mitchell: Just the most awkward dinner in the history of man. You know, I mean it just was like I felt bad, you know, I felt bad for Rosalee in this situation. To have, you know, to have this sister, you know, it was hard, it was hard because I think there’s a lot of truth to that familial dynamic. And I felt the awkwardness, it’s like I felt the love, I felt the awkwardness.
Question: And then as a quick follow-up, another episode I want to ask you about the Christmas one, where again they sort of revealed Rosalee’s past and her problems with Christmas, could you guys – I thought again that was very, very sweet with both of your characters, could you talk again a little bit more about that part of that episode and again filming that what you though when you first read the script, anything that comes to mind?
Silas Weir Mitchell: Be honest do you really – be honest now do you really want to know how one person could put all that up and/or take all that down in one night? Be honest.
Question: I was pretty impressed because I would love to have you guys over to help me out when Christmas comes.
Silas Weir Mitchell: I mean really.
Bree Turner: I justified that we – I was in – I was morphed out when I did that because only, you know, a fox could gather and put together that quickly.
Silas Weir Mitchell: A bottle of wine, a couple of morphs, no problem.
Bree Turner: That episode was I mean every time I come unto set – this is not an exaggeration, I’m blown away by our, you know, construction and set design team and, you know, what they can pull together so quickly with no time between turnover.
Silas Weir Mitchell: Yes, the art direction on the show really is – it’s incredible what they do. They really do – so much of the show has to do with the look of the show and those guys, the art department is incredible.
Bree Turner: Right, yes so I mean it was – there was not a lot of acting needed when I walked on the set with the house being decorated as it was because it was I mean truly like Christmas just threw-up (in the living room) and so I didn’t really have to pretend about it.
But, you know, as I had mentioned this earlier I think what’s been enjoyable about the ark of the relationship this season is that it has been complicated and real and a very adult relationship. You know, I think it’s been really fun that I, you know, adult late-30’s couple is being portrayed on screen and it’s not this high drama of your 20’s or, you know, silliness of your teens. It’s like two people who’ve lived a very full life, a complicated life coming together and finding harmony together.
And it’s not a straight path and it’s twisted but there’s always respect and love and I think that’s what’s always shown with our story of the show is two people that respect and love each other and how they deal with the complexities of their relationship.
Question: So what has that been like for – I know that you certainly have a talent for the comedic side of your character, to kind of play almost a sitcom-y thing. Then as you mentioned earlier you also have the seriousness about a mixed marriage or mixed relationship too.
Silas Weir Mitchell: Well it’s hard for me to think of it in terms of sitcom because that’s just not a language that I use in my – when I, you know, when I think about it I don’t think about it as being funny or being a sitcom.
I just think about it as – from the inside it’s just these two interesting people trying to figure something out. So whatever the story demands, whether it’s the sort of awkwardness of a proposal or the seriousness of a fight with your parents, that’s where I go. And what’s nice about the show is the writers use a lot of bandwidth as far the emotional, you know, the emotional vicissitudes are pretty great and that’s what makes it fun, you know.
Question: Anything you need to add to that Bree?
Bree Turner: Yes I mean I think there’s always this sort of term that are – whenever (our show enters you to), you know, let’s keep it in the world of Grimm, you know, whatever we’re trying to build on screen.
And I think what that means is what’s so special about our show is it’s really – you can’t quite define it. I mean it’s – there are funny moments, there is serious moments, there is fantasy elements, there is, you know, procedural (cobb) drama and it – we flow in and out of all these spaces when we’re creating the world with each episode. And I think, you know, what Silas is saying I think as actors we just, you know, we’re not trying to be serious or funny or comedy or drama.
It’s just about living truthfully in this world we’ve created and I think as long as we’re honoring that, you know, those sort of maybe more comedic moments come out and you respond to them because they’re just truthful.
Question: Yes absolutely, looking forward to seeing (D Wallace) – of course the inside joke he was in the (howling), so I kind of appreciate that aspect of it too.
Silas Weir Mitchell: Yes.
Bree Turner: She’s fabulous, she did a really…
Silas Weir Mitchell: We had a great time, yes. She and (Chris Mulkey) both were really, really great, we had fun.
Bree Turner: Yes.
Question: It’s been a great season so far, I’m really looking forward to. I think you guys have actually upped a notch from last season too.
Silas Weir Mitchell: Well thank you, that’s hard to do – yes the writers they work non-stop, those guys. They are – it’s incredible, they don’t get a break they just keep writing. The 22 episodes they just keep writing, it’s incredible.
Question: So the two of you have really nice onscreen chemistry together, I’m wondering what do you like about working with each other?
Silas Weir Mitchell: I can’t stand her.
Bree Turner: He’s such a pig. Uh well I love Silas, like everything about Silas is his big heart. He’s a sweetheart of a man and also a true professional to work with.
And, you know, I think from day one I knew that it was going to be a very cool journey with Silas because he’s all in 100% and he brings so much to the character and to the script that’s not even necessarily down on paper and it’s just very exciting and fun to work with him – that’s how I feel.
Silas Weir Mitchell: That’s so lovely Bree. That’s a lovely thing to say of you of me. And, you know, for me working with Bree is just – it’s delightful because she is, same thing she’s all in.
There’s no bullshit, there’s no fussiness, there’s no actor trying to do something. She’s interested in the honesty of the story. And when you work with actors who are interested in the honesty of it and the truth of it then you look at the person and they’re playing the same game you’re playing and so you’re on the same field. It’s not like a lot of times you’re trying to play bad mitten and the other person’s bowling.
And then you’re not talking at all, you’re just like this person is doing their thing and you’re doing your thing but it’s apples and oranges. With Bree I really feel like we’re on the same team – it’s true of the whole cast which is what makes Grimm sort of special in my heart above anything I’ve done is that we’re all on the same team, we’re all playing on the same field. And so, you know, Bree and I we know that we’re like we can trust each other and we’re both playing the same fun game.
And that’s really a delight because it, you know, it makes it a joy to go to set when you’re all playing the same game.
Bree Turner: Thanks Silas, that was nice.
Silas Weir Mitchell: Well that’s true, it’s true babe.
Question: What do you guys think of the fact that your characters (though both of us) are really sort of the normal ones, are really sort of the grounding for the other characters on the show? Do you find that sort of odd or ironic or what do you think about that?
Silas Weir Mitchell: That’s a good question.
Bree Turner: You know, I think that came up for me – which episode was that? Oh the last episode we did Silas with the Anubis.
Silas Weir Mitchell: Oh yes right.
Bree Turner: Where it was, you know, kind of spoken aloud how Wesen have been around longer than humans and – or Kehrseites shall we say.
And, you know, I think we know history in a very different way than non-Wesen and, you know I think maybe what you’re saying is the grounding is coming from just being around for a long time. Experiencing, you know, basically holocaust with our kind in history and being our numbers dwindling and now we’re – our numbers are smaller. And I just think there’s a lot of weight and historical weight that comes with being a Wesen that non-Wesen maybe just don’t quite understand I guess.
Silas Weir Mitchell: Yes I would totally agree with that and just back it up with the idea of I think there’s a worldliness, you know, there’s a kind of, you know, we actually know how the world works.
And all the Karasites or the normees out there who are looking at the world a certain way, the history that they are witnessing or reading about is actually a whitewashed version of what we all – or most of us anyway know to be the truth. So I think the anchoring element is exactly what Bree was saying, there’s like a historical – there’s a historical element to it and there’s also a kind of we know the truth. There’s a wisdom to it whereas like Hitler wasn’t just Hitler.
By the way, you know, Van Gogh didn’t lose his ear because he was crazy, he was in love with one of us. You know, so that worldliness, that kind of like this is the real truth, that element I think leads to for the writers the sense that he Karasites or the normees are kind of scrambling around trying to figure it out and there are some people out there who actually know the truth.
Question: Can you tell us without giving anything away any additional plans coming up for you guys in the future?
Bree Turner: In the show or as people?
Question: On the show.
Bree Turner: Oh – I’m like well I have a dentist appointment next week, …
Silas Weir Mitchell: Yes exactly, I got to go to the vet later today, I don’t know.
Bree Turner: Well I mean I think we can speak freely that this Friday’s episode we get engaged and…
Silas Weir Mitchell: What?
Bree Turner: What – and…
Silas Weir Mitchell: What?
Bree Turner: We do? And it’s really great, it a really, really, really fun episode, it’s one of my favorites. And so that happens and then pretty much, you know, what we’ve done so far. We’re at Episode 316 right now, it’s just the journey to the altar I guess and…
Silas Weir Mitchell: Yes the not-uncomplicated journey to the altar.
Bree Turner: Right.
Question: Oh okay so not too much we can talk about past that – you don’t know ahead?
Silas Weir Mitchell: Well that…
Bree Turner: Yes we don’t really…
Silas Weir Mitchell: To go past that would be to go past the end of the season, so that’s really a kind of the road there.
Question: Oh well I’m sure they’ll be more. Now can you tell us – tell me a little bit more about your character? What is it about each one of you that you love your character, what is it?
Silas Weir Mitchell: All right, all right. Bree what do you love about your character?
Bree Turner: Oh okay, well I love Rosalee’s compassion. She’s compassionate and she’s, you know, she’s dealt with a very complicated. Shit my cell phone’s ringing, hold on. She’s dealt with a lot of complications in her life and she comes from a very fractured family and a lot of sadness.
And, you know, I think what’s been a very cool journey from the introduction of Rosalee to now is that, you know, when she came on the scene she was a person who did not understand her strength and her light and I think she – I always like in Rosalee to, you know, coming from a family of healers and apothecaries to be the one who was the most gifted in this world but was the most fearful of her talents.
And I think choosing to hideout was a way to escape responsibility of who – of her true strengths inside of herself. And I think, you know, from coming back to Portland and befriending Nick and meeting Monroe that it’s been a journey of confidence as a healer, as a apothecary. It’s like that was last season was just her understanding her strengths and talents and owning them. And then – and opening up her heart and finding love again and trusting another person.
And I think what’s been really fun about Season 3 is her – is going back to the struggle that she was really dealing with in terms of her relationship with Monroe and really allowing another person to really understand who she really is and not being able to hide from those issues anymore. So I think I’ve gotten off of what your question was but I think when I think about Rosalee…
Silas Weir Mitchell: That was so intense.
Bree Turner: Oh my God I really just…
Silas Weir Mitchell: That was so intense.
Bree Turner: …like started vomiting up so much stuff that’s there.
Silas Weir Mitchell: Yes your Christmas threw-up.
Bree Turner: Is this a therapy session? But she…
Silas Weir Mitchell: That was really deep.
Bree Turner: …she is just such a beautiful spirit and embraces her complications and is very quiet and still about them now in this new phase of her life and I think that takes a lot of bravery and a lot of trust and I think that’s very cool. So that’s a very long-winded answer to a very short question. Geez Louise.
Silas Weir Mitchell: I have nothing to add to that.
Bree Turner: My Lord.
Silas Weir Mitchell: I see Rosalee in a whole new light now and it’s a beautiful light. It’s a beautiful warm, glowing kind of safe light.
Bree Turner: Okay can you add some things?
Silas Weir Mitchell: I have not. What would I add to that? Talk about gilding the lily, I have nothing to add.
Bree Turner: To you, about you.
Silas Weir Mitchell: Oh, you know, we’ve all heard what I think about Monroe a thousand times. I think we lost her Bree, I think you got rid of her.
Bree Turner: Oh my gosh.
Question: No I’m still listening…
Silas Weir Mitchell: Oh there you are, there you are. She’s still writing down the first three sentences of your answer.
Bree Turner: I know, it (takes a long time).
Silas Weir Mitchell: Do you know shorthand? Do you know shorthand, because you’re going to need it.
Question: No I do love both your characters and Silas if you did have anything to add about it from your own perspective that would be great.
Silas Weir Mitchell: Oh man, you know, honestly I have answered this question about 1006 times in my life since we’ve started the show. But basically am I just talking about my character or what I like about my character? I mean what’s the question really? Is it just what do I like about him, because then I will go on for another hour and a half because I love living inside that man’s head.
Question: In the sense that you make about him that just fascinates you that other people might not know. Or pick up on.
Silas Weir Mitchell: I have a fear of pickles – deep, deep fear of pickled vegetables – even though I’m a vegan it’s that vinegar thing, it freaks me out.
Question: That’s very good.
Silas Weir Mitchell: That’s something that nobody knows – nobody knows that about Monroe.
Question: Oh see there you go, you got something new, there we go.
Silas Weir Mitchell: There you go I mean that’s, you know, if that’s not – you got a scoop on that.
Question: And I just cannot tell you how thrilled I am to see the engagement, I can’t wait for Friday.
And of course you know from questions I’ve asked you guys before about the whole different Wesen coming together and whether or not it’s going to be an issue, I’m really glad the writers are starting to address that. So kind of along those lines what I’d like to know is do you guys know yet if there are going to be any Wesen customs that are coming in terms of the wedding customs or anything to do with the engagement or anything like that?
Silas Weir Mitchell: The only thing we – the only thing I think that we really know is that the Wesen’s, you know, tend to like to like to marry in the wild.
Question: Okay, that will be interesting for sure and let’s see, you know, one thing I don’t know if you can even address this, but there wasn’t a lot of mention in last week’s Meet the Family – which I agree was one of the most awkward things ever, but kudos to Monroe for taking such good care of Rosalee.
Freddy and what happened around his death and what led to Rosalee even coming to Portland, that didn’t come up much. Is there going – are you guys going to be getting more into that as we learn more about I’m assuming Rosalee’s family and then starting to talk again heading towards the wedding?
Bree Turner: Well that hasn’t come up in any scripts yet but I don’t know, I think what’s nice – what I think is nice about a lot of the episodes is that there isn’t a lot of just dialogs just for the sake of dialog.
Like you don’t need to talk about everything and it’s just an understanding. And I think that just that one line that I say – that Rosalee says to Monroe outside is that I assume they would be, you know, more understanding that basically handled all of Freddy’s, you know, his death and the shock and dealing with all that. I mean it’s pretty clear that they decided not to be involved in that event and that I totally took that on.
And I don’t know we’ll see, I don’t know if that’s going to be more addressed in more detail later, it hasn’t yet.
Question: My first question is for Bree, I’m really enjoying the developing relationship now that Juliette is part of the Scooby Gang, are we going to see more of that the rest of the season as it plays out?
Bree Turner: Yes definitely, we just did a standalone Web series that’s going to air around Valentine’s Day that focuses on Juliette and Rosalee and their friendship.
And it’s really fun, really playful and, you know, it’s a bit of a departure of tone from the show but we had a great time. And we, you know, kind of got to express all our girliness that we can’t really quite do in the world of Grimm.
Question: That’s wonderful, that would be fun to look forward to. And then for both of you, can you describe the rest of this season in oh 15 seconds or less?
Silas Weir Mitchell: No I can’t…
Bree Turner: Okay, we’ll try.
Silas Weir Mitchell: …because I don’t know what happens, you know, who knows – Bree give it a shot.
Bree Turner: Okay with Monroe and Rosalee it’s just the journey to the altar and coming to terms with coming from two different worlds. Not only as different Wesen species but also I think just sort of two different worlds.
Like kind of like Rosalee (that grants) a little bit on the other side of the tracks compared to Monroe’s childhood and, you know, kind of the meshing of that. And then in the world of Nick and the case of the week it kind of – we get back to a bit more procedural format but we have a lot of really exciting sessions and storylines coming up. We’re about to – we’re actually in the middle of starting this big carnival episode that’s going to be really fun and we’re getting into it starting Friday and I think it’s going to be a really good one for the season.
Silas Weir Mitchell: Yes that’s going to be a good one.
Question: Do you think that there’s a chance that Monroe and Rosalee maybe will have some children in the future?
Bree Turner: Little baby Wesens.
Silas Weir Mitchell: Oh anything that allows me to say for hell sure again, I’m all for it.
Bree Turner: For hell sure.
Silas Weir Mitchell: For hell sure.
Bree Turner: For hell sure, yes why not I mean all is possible.
Silas Weir Mitchell: It all depends on how many seasons we get.
Bree Turner: Exactly.
Bree Turner: All I know is if I had…
Silas Weir Mitchell: I mean in terms of not…
Bree Turner: …if I had to actually – if I have to now be fake pregnant when I was really pregnant on the show I’m going to be real pissed.
Silas Weir Mitchell: We’ll talk to Claire Danes about that, I think she’s going to be pregnant for the entire next season of Homeland (unintelligible).
Bree Turner: I know, I feel for that girl, so we’ll see – why not, right?
Silas Weir Mitchell: We’ll have a litter.
Special thanks to NBC and from Grimm, Bree Turner and Silas Weir Mitchell for taking time out of their schedules.
Be sure to tune in to Grimm on Friday’s 9/8c