Here is the rest of our interview with Al Sapienza from Syfy’s Ascension.
Al- Since you saw the first night, what were your thoughts on the end and did you understand what was going on?
FoF- While in Orlando and prior to seeing it, we had our own theories on the show. We weren’t close to the truth either. The ending of night one was one of the best oh shit moments we have seen in a long time.
Al- That was crazy, now there is this whole other story about earth following this experiment. Not to mention the politics that goes on with that group compared to the politics that goes on in our controlled experiment. I love this show.
FoF- The big reveal at the end of the first episode is learning the ship never left earth. Is your character aware of the real truth or is he as in the dark as the rest of the crew?
Al- No, he is totally in the dark. I totally believe we are light years from earth.
FoF- Could the killer(s) actually not be part of the Ascension crew but an outsider?
Al- Well, anything is possible… (laughs)
FoF- Since Ascension could go to series, has there been any indication after the 3 night premiere of when that decision could happen?
Al- You know what, I don’t know for sure. It all depends on the numbers. It will depend on how many people watch it.
We want to thank Al Sapienza for taking time out of his busy schedule to chat with us. We will post the remainder of the interview after the premiere. Be sure to follow Al on his Twitter account- @alsapienza
After our interview, Al and I chatted for a few moments and we learned that Al is a supporter of The Wounded Warrior Project. Below is a link where you can learn more about The Wounded Warrior Project and how to donate. Be sure to tune in on Monday, December 15th on Syfy for the premiere of Ascension.